Will of William Hanks of Bradford, 8 Apr 1807

Category: Sources
Created: Aug 21 2023, Last Modified: Nov 8 2023
Will Date 8 Apr 1807
Probate Date 1 Mar 1808
Probate Jurisdiction Consistory Court of the Archdeacon of Salisbury
Catalogue Reference P2/1808/14/11
Relationship 5th Great-Grandfather - FFFMMFF

In the Name of God Amen

I William Hanks Sen of Hartly in the Parish of Bradford in the County of Wilts Labourer being in Health and of Sound Mind Memory and Understanding do make this my last will and Testament as Follows (that is to say)

First I will that my Lawful Debts and Funereal Expenses be fully Paid and Discharged

Item I Give to my Wife Prudence Hanks the House Garden Orchard and Appurtenances thereunto belonging which I now Dwell in and all my Household Goods of what kind soever and Money which I may left at my Decease for her Natural life and After her Decease

I Give the Same House Garden Orchard and appurtenances Household Goods and Money that my be left to my Five Children, William, Samuel, Thomas Hanks, Mary the Wife of Charles Hall, Prudence Hanks to be Equally Divided between them Share and Share a like in three Months After her Decease by my Executors herein After Named

Also I Constitute and Appoint my Said two Sons William and Thomas Hanks whole and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament

Lastly I Revoke all Former Wills by me Made

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Eighth day of April in the Year of our lord One thousand Eight hundred and Seven

The Mark of William Hanks

Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Said William Hanks the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have subscribed our Names as Witnesses in his presence and of Each Other

John Deverell
William Davis
William Flower

Probate of William Hanks of Bradford, 1 Mar 1808

At Winkfield in the county of Wiltshire this Twenty first day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and eight the Executors William Hanks and Thomas Hanks were duly sworn and ___ that the Effects of the Decease were under the value of One Hundred Pounds Before me

Edw Spencer, Surrogate

This Will was proved at Winkfield on the 21 day of March 1808 before the Rev Edw Spencer Clerk, Clerk the lawful Surrogate of the Reverend and Worshipful Charles Daubenny, Clerk, Doctor of Laws, Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Sarum, And by him Administration of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of the said Deceased, and any ways concerning his Will was committed unto William Hanks and Thomas Hanks the joint Executors thereof.

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